3M AUDIOVISUEL vous accompagne pour tous vos besoins de production avec du matériel de qualité. Ci-dessous une liste du matériel dont nous disposons et que nous mettrons à contribution pour un meilleur rendement de votre projet:
Une Caméra AG AF 101 avec optique Olympus 14/35 mm, Une Caméra 5 D, Une steady Cam, et une mattebox.
Un kit de trois mandarines, un fond blanc avec un équipement Soft Box, un kit Fresnel, hmi, un micro avec l'ensemble perche bonnette, micro canon, une mixette roll de quatre entrées + quatre micros et micros hf.
Regardez ici, notre derniere production vidéo
Découvrez dans le diaporama ci-dessous notre matériel de production...
3M AUDIOVISUAL are comprised of in-house motion picture and TV commercial productions writing, directing, editing, and producing as well as film score music composing and recording talent.
We offer complete video production services from script writing and storyboard concepts through music scoring, filming, editing, color correction, motion graphics and final delivery.
3M AUDIOVISUAL is the place where experienced ad agencies and PR firms turn to execute and finish their creative designs for TV commercial productions and multimedia campaigns.
Our seasoned approach to television ad campaigns, corporate and TV commercial video programming along with our many years in the video production industry, uniquely allows us to create stunning and memorable visuals for our clients.
About television, our vision is defined as following: “Every second which a TV channel transmits, must be money earned”.
We are concentrated on the production of contents (TV shows, documentaries, and others) that can link the rich and poor countries. The main goal is to make tv channels viable without relying exclusively on advertising revenues.
We produce interactive programs principally for youth and adults (Meeting, Quiz, Music); Teleshopping (Afroshoping), and humoristic shows. Our goal is to provide high values, prompt, reliable service and a stunning end-product that your audience will remember.
3M AUDIOVISUAL team of producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, composers, crews, editors and visual effects artists are eager to meet your video and TV commercial production needs.